Thursday, November 15, 2012

About Coffey Girl Creates

I realize my first post should have been a bit about myself and what I would like to accomplish here, but I was so eager to get started; and the poem was already finished and just so easy to post!  My name is Stefanie King Coffey.  I'm a stay at home mom to the beautiful and charming 8 month old Eve Hanalei and wife to Matt, who I was lucky enough to meet at a friends wedding six and a half years ago.  I'm a singer songwriter at heart who picked up a number of other crafts along the way.  I graduated from The New School in New York City (where I spent 6 years of my life and a town I will always consider home) with a BFA in creative writing.

I was tired of having my work simply sitting on a hard drive just waiting to be accidentally deleted one day, so I thought  it would be fun to give blogging a try.  I would like this to be a collection of my entire creative life, not just my writing. I hope to include everything from my sewing and craft projects to cooking, baking and of course writing.  Plus photos of my family and little bits about them as we travel through this amazing adventure together.  I hope you enjoy it.


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