So here is what I can't forget:
-The first 3 months are the hardest
-Nobody tells you quite how hard it's going to be
-You get to fall in love all over again
-You start to fear the night
-The fatigue is real and it will not let you go
-Nursing a child is the most womanly thing you can do
-Getting them to sleep in their cribs, on their backs is a challenge
-It is a magical time that will be over before you know it
-There is nothing like watching the man you love hold your baby
And this is what I couldn't remember:
-Just how hard it is...
-...but each week gets a little bit easier
-Showering is a luxury
-Being smelly is a given
-Crying for no, not the baby
-Successful burping is a myth, whoever said it was easy, lied
-Newborns make the cutest noises, crying is not one of them
-Recovering from major surgery is a lot easier with the distractions of caring for a baby
-Newborns are cryptic
-Newborns hate baths even more than dogs
-How wonderful it is to fall in love all over again