Monday, December 31, 2012

New Years Eve

It is the last day of 2012 and we are on day two of our first road trip with baby Eve who is now 9 months old. We are in Little Rock tonight, but will be as Willie said, 'on the road again' and headed for Nashville tomorrow. There is snow on the ground and the chilly air is great for a long snuggle and yummy hot chocolate! Our little bunny is enjoying time with her cousins, one of which is younger than her by just two days, and she is handling the challenges of being away from home quite well. We look forward to the rest of our journey as we make our way to Indiana for a wedding. So here's to the new year, may 2013 be as joyous and exciting as 2012!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Eve's name in yarn

My sister in-law, and Eve's Godmother Amy, recently showed me a beautiful project she made for one of my other sister in-law's weddings and I had to replicate it for Eve because it was just so darling.  She told me she found it on Pinterest (complete obsession and love doesn't even begin to cover how I feel about Pinterest) but I'm afraid I don't know the original source.

Essentially it's wire from a hardware store, bent into the word of your choice and then wrapped in yarn.  The trick is to not over work the wire, as it will start to look tortured and kinky.  Fortunately, the wire is inexpensive and you get a whole lot of it so if your first try is a bit wonky (as mine was) you have plenty more to work with.  I recommend finding a font you like, typing out the name and then using it as your visual guide.  To wrap the wire in yarn simply tie off the yarn at one end of the name and wrap and wrap and wrap until you get to the other end which you will also tie off.  Then cut the excess yarn and tuck the end into itself on the backside of the project.  And voila, you have a beautiful name in yarn! They make great baby gifts or Christmas presents.

 I created the knots in the name by making loops in the wire, I then wrapped the knots many times until I achieved the thickness I desired.